Favorite Ingredients
Ingredients are crucial to the quality of a product. TrueRenu takes great care on researching and identifying products that feature natural ingredients.
From the antioxidants in Rice bran, the natural moisturizing qualities from the Tsubaki (Camelia) plant, and more, you'll find many of our products here that feature the benefits of natural ingredients!
''Oh MG I love this towel'' ''First of all the color is outrageously sexy. But it's so soft, lathers like mad and rinses in a snap. My skin is like buttah. I've recommended it...'' (Item 7068)
''mmmmmm'' ''The smell alone is intoxicating & relaxing, so pairing that with a warm bath is nothing short of heavenly.'' (Item 3063)
''Heavenly Smell'' ''I bought the shampoo/conditioner together. My hair is very coarse but after one wash, my hair came out so soft and bouncy. The conditioner did not...'' (Item 4063)