Filled with Vitamin E and oleic acid, rice bran is a natural way to return moisture to thirsty skin. We added a touch of rosewood essential oil for even more moisture and a light, lovely aroma.
Komenuka Bijin All-Natural Skin Care Body Cream with Rice Bran - 140g(4016)
Komenuka Bijin Body Cream is an all purpose moisturizer for all types of skin. Great for rough elbows, knees, hands, feet, and/or entire body. Good to use after shaving. Ideal for baby's diaper change.
Komenuka Bijin Natural Kobo Body Wash with Rice Bran - 380ml(4015)
The rice bran in Komenuka Bijin's Natural Kobo Body Wash cleanses and moisturizes. It not only softens your skin, it promotes the regeneration of healthy skin. Good for all skin types, highly recommended for sensitive skin, including newborns!
''Mahalo nui loa!'' ''Great product which was shipped immediately. Thank you for such great service!'' (Item 4066)
''Worth all the hype'' ''When it comes to beauty I believe that cleanliness is one of the most important steps along with applying SPF creams and moisturizers, drinking...'' (Item 4008-30)
''I love TrueRenu!!'' ''They give samples of the best things! incense, candy,! I had to buy some of the Kasugai candy right away! I will definitely be back.'' (Item 9010)